Poker Rooms

There are currently quite a few poker room operators running an online poker business as partner of an associate:

Get Your Own Poker Room!

The cheapest and fastest way to start an online poker business is as franchisee, by acquiring and managing your own online poker room as partner of an associate. You will receive a fully customized poker room branded with your logo, which your players will download from your website (if you prefer a desktop-based poker room) or will access at a web address under your domain name (if you prefer a web-based poker room), or both.

Please note that as franchisee you deal directly with the representatives of the associate. You do not deal directly with us in any way!

As franchisee, you have the following responsibilities:

  • Depending on your jurisdiction, you may have to obtain a gaming license.
  • To register your domain name.
  • To develop and maintain your website.
  • To market and promote your online poker business.

    • The associate usually has the following responsibilities toward you:

      • To provide you with all the services that are required for running your business.
      • In some cases, depending on the agreement between franchisee and associate, the franchisee may be in a position to provide their own services to their players, customer support for example. The franchisee and associate usually agree the extent of the franchisee's involvement in the day-to-day operations and reflect that in the agreement.

      The pricing options that franchisees are offered by associates are entirely up to the pricing policy of the associate. The revenue share between a franchisee and an associate is also subject to the agreement that the two parties sign.

      There are usually two ways in which the revenue share is calculated:

      1. Revenue share based on the Net Gaming Revenue (NGR): Net Gaming Revenue is the net amount of money that the house wins from a game. It is usually calculated after the poker network and the associate subtract bonuses, promotional currencies, coupons, chargebacks and other free money given to players, from the Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR). Franchisees usually receive between 35% and 55% of the NGR.
      2. Revenue share based on the net profit: To calculate the net profit, the poker network and the associate subtract some or all of the operational expenses from the Net Gaming Revenue (NGR). That is why higher percentages of the net profit are offered franchisees in this case.

      As franchisee operating as partner of an associate, you work in close cooperation with the associate. You benefit from the associate's services and resources and in this way you can run your business at a reduced risk and with almost guaranteed success and profit. You still have plenty of opportunities to grow your business by attracting new players to sign up and play in your poker room, by marketing your website and your online poker business.

      To receive more information about how to start an online poker business as poker room owner (franchisee), please fill in and send us our contact form.
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